I will setup a custom discord server for your community
Delivery Time2 Day
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Service Description:
Why Me?Hi, My name is Musa, I have 4-years of experience in Discord Server Designing, I am a professional Discord Server creator, I created lots of server for youtuber and twitch streamers, Featured in Isaacwhy's video. I am available to work on New/Existing, Gaming, Crypto, Streaming, NFT, Trading, Anime, studying or any other Discord server. BASIC $30Professional DesignWelcome SystemUnlimited Roles And Voice/Text ChannelsMember CountAuto Twitch/YouTube/FB Stream/Video NotificationAuto Tweet/Reddit PostingCustom Reaction Roles RolesLocked Staff Only ChannelsMusic ChannelsAFK ChannelSTANDARD $40Everything From BasicAmazing DesignVerification SystemAuto Moderation BotsLeveling SystemJoin to create channelGiveaway Bot24/7 Music SystemDeleted messages/image logsInvite tracking systemPREMIUM $60Everything From Basic And Standard Unique, epic professional Discord Server DesignDiscord Fun Games (Pokemon, Dank Memer, etc.)Verification SystemFavorite Game UpdateThemed EmojisTicket SystemStatic & Animated EmojisCustom WebhooksAnti Raid systemSupport After Order CompletionStill, Confused? Happy to discuss your ideas. Contact me!+ See More