I will create 1000 3d nft items, collectibles, characters in voxel art
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Service Description:
Please contact us before the order. So we can declare the details about work.Basic package is $20 ( discounted) only for a short time!!!we crate non nft characters too!Hello! I'm wanderer kitty, best voxel artist around fiverr!I work with more than 200 NFT art projects. And now I invented a way to make 3d machine-generated illustrations! They are in an art style called "voxel art". Voxel art is basically a pixel NFT in 3d world!I can create:sandbox avatar3d nft art3d nft collection3d nft pixel artNFT generate with help of AINFT developmentmeebits characters10k nft collection like bored ape yacht club, reddit NFTs3d pfp nft similar to azuki, clonex beanz, cryptokongz vxart style that similar to Blockcities,AI generated nft collection as wellmetaverse land like Othersidecharacters similar to cool cats, cryptopunks, doodles, vox collectibles3d art gobblers, 3d clone x voxel versionp2e gaming assets and characters, low poly toobitcoin ordinals nftmetadata export, includes erc721, solana, cardanoThese prices are for generated artworks, prices are different if you want them all of them hand made. Send a message to get more information!To learn how pro+ See More