I will build nft marketplace, nft minting, stacking or auction nft
Delivery Time7 Day
English levelFluent
Service Description:
Expert NFT Marketplace Development, Minting, Auction, and StackingThe functionality I provide in Torn 721/BSC 721/ETH 721/ERC721A is based on NFT/NFT Minting market.Minting Verified NFT smart contract with token UriNFT mint engineAdmin fees on mint timeLanding page and mint page designMetamask wallet connectAuction All required pages designed in HTMLNFT ERC 721 smart contract with mint, buy, and sell featureAdmin charge fees on mint and sell time as the commissionAdmin panel for managing all NFT and viewing informationNFT divide according to category wise, filter, sorting featuresMeta-mask and trust wallet connect integrationNFT marketplaceNFT marketplace smart contract with ERC721 and ERC 1155Create a collection and collection-wise NFTsortAll required pages designAdmin can charge fees on NFT mint and sell timeRoyalty functionality on sell timeNFT mint and sell custom tokenTrust and Metamask wallet integrationAdmin panel for manage NFT related all workNFT and user-like, follow functionalityUnwanted user blacklist functionalityPlease note that it's essential to discuss your specific requirements before placing an order. Kindly contact me.+ See More